Research shows that cancer is the leading cause of death, with an average of 2.9 million new cases and over 608,870 deaths yearly. It involves a group of related illnesses where abnormal cells begin to spread to different parts of your body.
The cancerous cells move from one tissue to the other through the lymphatic system or bloodstream. Different kinds of cancers have been identified over the years. The common ones include the following.
It occurs in men and women but is more prevalent in females. The cancerous cells develop in different parts. For instance, ducts, lobules, or connective tissues. They then begin to spread outside the mammary glands through lymph or blood vessels. This cancer occurs when the DNA in the breast changes, disabling the functions that control cell growth.
People suffering from the illness exhibit different signs. For instance, the growth of a lump in the mammary glands or underarm. Parts of your breast may thicken. Also, you’ll have a nipple discharge of substances like blood.
It contributes to the growth of tumors in the breasts. Research shows that females who consume it have higher chances than those who don't.
Excess body weight after menopause increases the likelihood of the illness. This happens because of an increase in estrogen levels. It may also occur because of high sugar intake.
If your parents or close relatives have had the complication, you will likely develop it at some point. This is because it occurs due to an abnormal gene passed from parents to kids.
It happens when the skin cells develop rapidly and often grow on the parts of the dermis exposed to the sun. Checking for early symptoms and seeking immediate medical treatment would be helpful. The signs include non-healing wounds or small pearly lumps.
There are three major kinds of skin complications, and each type has its treatment option. They include
It occurs in the body areas exposed to UV rays, for instance, the face or the neck region. The illness begins in the basal cells. That is skin cells that replace the old ones in the epidermis. This cancer moves to other body parts. But it's usually life-threatening if it does.
This type of cancer begins in the cells that give your skin pigmentation. It develops anywhere, but in men, it grows around the back and chest areas. In females, it develops in the legs. The good news is that it is treatable if detected in the initial stages. However, successful remediation chances are low if it spreads to other tissues.
It affects cells on the dermis's outermost part, which have direct exposure to sun rays. But, it may develop in parts that aren't exposed to sunlight if you have a darker complexion. The disease is curable but can be fatal if not treated.
This condition is specific to men and begins in the prostate gland, between the penis and bladder. It's detectable through regular screening by experts. Luckily, it's curable when diagnosed and treated in the early stages.
The illness is characterized by urination problems like having a weak urinary system. Also, you urinate more often, especially at night. Furthermore, you may see blood spots in the urine or semen. Other symptoms include pain in the pelvis region and painful ejaculation.
The primary cause of the disease is not yet known, but there are elements that raise the chances of developing the illness. They include,
Susceptibility increases as you grow older. There’s a likelihood of having the disease if you’re over 50 years.
You’re likely to develop the illness if you are black. In addition, the condition could be aggressive and severe.
Research shows that foods high in calcium are linked to prostate cancer.
It’s commonly known as colorectal cancer and grows in the large intestine or the rectum. Although it begins at any age, it's more prevalent if you’re older. The disease starts with non-cancerous clumps of cells that develop on the walls of the colon. Gradually, the cells grow to become cancer. Mostly, it occurs due to a lack of physical exercise, consumption of highly processed foods, and tobacco use.
The illness shows a few warning signs. For instance, unusual bowel movements, blood in the stool, and pain in the abdomen. That’s why physicians recommend regular screenings to identify if you have the disease. Early detection is vital since treatment begins before it becomes more serious. Different options are used to treat the condition. The doctors select one that suits each situation individually.
This disease affects your lungs and is the leading cause of tumor deaths. There is a likelihood of developing the condition if you're a smoker. However, it also happens even if you’ve never smoked. Quitting the habit lowers the odds of the growth of a tumor.
It’s characterized by shortness of breath and persistent cough that has blood in the sputum. Additionally, you always feel tired and have significant weight loss for no apparent reason. It might be difficult to identify the symptoms unless in the late stages. Because your lungs have few nerve endings, the tumors can grow without causing pain.
If you experience any symptoms, go to the hospital for screening. The physician uses various treatments to cure the disease. For instance, targeted therapy involves blocking the growth of cancerous cells or surgery.
Always check for any signs that indicate the presence of cancerous cells in the body, and visit your doctor. Detecting the cells early raises the odds of effective treatment.
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